EGCS (often referred to as Scrubbers) are able to remove Sulphur oxides from ship engines and boiler exhaust gasses.
The SO2 reduction efficiency of our scrubbers corresponds to a reduction in fuel Sulphur content from 3.50% to 0.1% - exceeding the required level of compliance with the global cap of 0.5%.
A new design of EGC System with unique benefits such as:
Substantially smaller footprint (reduced up to 60% of conventional scrubbers).
Up to 80 % lighter installation in weight, no modification of funnel.
Up to 70% saving in installation time if properly
Highly reduced commissioning time (control system and gas analyzers are integrated in the scrubber and tested at production site).
Significant cost reduction for engineering.
Transportation in standardized dimension, no special transport required, hence dramatically lower cost and easy transportation methods.

Our Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems deliver an optimal solution for reducing the Sulphur content of ship emissions. Feen Marine Exhaust Gas Cleaning technology is an economical reliable and environmentally friendly solution to meet all the existing and future SOx emission regulations. More than 70 systems delivered and 30 in operation.
Our EGC System utilizes open loop wet scrubber technology with exhaust by-pass functionality. The overall system has been designed to minimize:
Power consumption
Pressure drop
General maintenance requirements
The scrubber unit is designed with as few internal parts as possible required to meet emission level limits to air and sea. The ECGS is delivered with a PLC based control system which manage all functionality as well as providing appropriate data logging and storage requirements.